Half Your New Hires Will Fail Miserably!

How "Mental Fitness" Gets Them Engaged Right Away To Stay On The Job Longer

Your Host:

David Wetmore

CIO, Intentional Excellence LLC

Webinar Date:



12:00 PM

Eastern Daylight Time

What you’ll discover on this webinar:

  • A study of 20,000 new hires revealed that 46% failed within 18 months
  • How to use Joint Ventures to create partnerships with business owners that benefits both of you by giving your prospects and customers more value than they could have anticipated.
  • How to create a revenue producing Drip Campaign gauranteed to reach your ideal customers at the eact time they are ready to become buyers.
  • How mastering all three of these components can lead to at least $10k in additional proft hiding in plain sight, without spending an extra dime on marketing or advertising.

Time left until registration closes:


Places on the live webinar are limited! Reserve your seat now and join us live for the webinar that will change the way you think about creating customers and increasing profits.

Get the Workbook for the Simple 5 Step Profit Formula Webinar

5 Step Profit Formula

How To Identify Your Perfect Target Market

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