Calling coaches who want your business to thrive, grow, and prosper. This Mastermind is all about coaches, life coaches, health coaches, business coaches, if you coach people this is where you want to be, right now! The world is transforming and the best way to keep up with that transformation is collaborating with like-minded thinkers all experiencing the same business challenges, and rewards, as you and your own coaching business.
If you’re a neophyte in the coaching biz, you’ll get to drink from the fountain of wisdom with a group of experienced fellows who will teach and support you any way they can. If you’re already an established coach, you’ll get to share your wisdom and experience while learning fresh perspectives and new creative ideas from the group energy dynamic. All in total 100% Service to one another and to the world!
Why join this group?
This is an exclusive virtual group whose purpose is -
- To assist you with your business and personal success
- To lift you up when you’re down and struggling
- To continually inspire you with encouragement, creative insights, and love
- To make you feel good about where you are and help you move towards where you want to be
- To help you think bigger than you thought possible
- To kick your butt when you’re not being true to yourself!
Imagine, where could your business go -
What if you had your own proxy board of directors to help you with those things that nearly all coaches and entrepreneurs face alone? What amazing results could you create with a group of people dedicated completely to your success through unconditional support, encouragement, accountability, and love? Imagine sharing in their success as well!

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
Become empowered to -
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Think outside the box
- Give and receive insights and ideas
- Accelerate your growth
- Navigate challenges
- Break through and past limiting beliefs as you discover new, exciting possibilities
- Thrive!
You will learn:
- How to let go of expectations for outcomes
- How to create and grow your business with a service mindset
- How to use gratitude for every moment as your foundation
- How to slow down to speed up results
- How to eliminate stress from your business, your life, your vocabulary!
- How to make your business relevant and create ideal clients
- How to bring joy and pleasure to all your activities!
The Coaches’ Mastermind provides a creative and nurturing Fellowship in which to learn, grow, and succeed through collaborative relationships with other like-minded members.
The Coaches’ Mastermind uses the dynamic energy of the fellowship to create insights, ideas, and enlightenment that assists the individuals and propels them beyond limiting beliefs and perceived challenges. Service is the core value and guiding principle behind the Coaches’ Mastermind.
Additional bonuses included as a part of your membership to assist with creating a fuller expression of yourself:
- A copy of the book “The Prosperous Coach” by Steve Chandler & Rich Litvin.
- Monthly one-to-one personal coaching sessions.
- Random inspirational messages to help you stay in the game.
- Spotlight opportunities where we focus light and love exclusively on you.
- eBooks, audios, articles, videos, and many other helpful resources.
- A private WhatsApp channel.
- Prominent experts from various fields will guest once a month!
An ancient teacher once said many are called, but few are chosen. David is without question, one of the chosen. He is an astounding human growth and development consultant, offering his guidance to his clients for all the right reasons in all the right ways. Dave’s bold vision to teach the principles and practices of attracting intrinsic and extrinsic wealth is evident in all that Dave does, in the community and in his business. Being included in Dave’s dynamic Mastermind groups was a life changing experience for me and I know every seeker of authentic success would enjoy them.
Victor Kidd - President/CEO Kidd Coffee
Pastor, Wananalua Congregational Church, Hana, HI
In his seminal book "Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill described the Mastermind principle as, “The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony…no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind”, the Mastermind. We are all aware of ideas and insights that appear, seemingly 'out of the blue', when we interact and converse with others. This Mastermind is an opportunity to deliberately inspire those insights from the group to create and embellish the plans and dreams of the individual members.
More about this program:
I am thrilled for your interest in the Coaches' Mastermind! Your participation in this group can lead to any number of amazing results - new clients, renewed relationships (personal and business), better strategies for your prospecting and promotional activities, financial freedom, and many more. You will experience these outcomes in a relaxed, confidential setting with 100% Service mindset.
Your group will have a small number of committed members who will come together in a spirit of camaraderie and gratitude with our only intention to assist one another in any means possible to overcome challenges, create new insights, and be a sounding board for everyone to share their most pressing needs. We will meet bi-weekly for 90 minutes (virtually) with a single-minded focus on helping each other in pursuit of our dreams and goals. We will empower one another to own and step into our vision for our life and business, to take consistent action in the pursuit of excellence, and to create a mindset of unconditional service and humility. You will have the opportunity to create a new, better experience of life in a safe environment characterized by love, empathy, and understanding. And the group meetings are just the most obvious dividend. In order to keep you engaged, I also have additional bonuses to support your meaningful results and transformations.

Don't miss this opportunity to serve yourself while serving others in a powerful way! Contact me if you're still not sure and we'll find out if this is right for you.
7 Reasons a mastermind might be right for you:
- Exclusive community. Joining a mastermind typically involves you being invited by the members or going through an application process. The other members need you just as much as you need them, so quality of experience and knowledge is crucial to everyone.
- Advisement. Once you are involved in a mastermind, that feeling of “being alone” while running your business is gone. The group becomes like your own personal board of directors.
- Collaboration is the name of the game. You may find someone in the group that is a perfect fit to work on a project with you. Or, you may be the perfect person to help another member as well. The group works collaboratively, to achieve more together.
- Extend your network. Joining a mastermind expands your network exponentially and rapidly. If you are in business, you know how important your network is. By joining a mastermind, you instantly add to your network and typically gain the networks of those in the group with you.
- New learning. Everyone in the mastermind is unique in skill, experience and connections. By interacting and sharing your challenges, it’s almost certain that someone in your mastermind will have a solution for you and you may also be able to offer a solution, connection or tactic to help another in the group.
- Cross-promotion. When you join a mastermind, you will most likely find ways to help each other by utilizing cross promotion. Finding ways to help each other through promoting to your respective networks.
- Think bigger. Being in a mastermind will truly give you a Master Mind! You can’t help but think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things.
Masterminds are incredible and can do wonders for you personally as well as for your business. Growing in a group is not only more effective, it’s a lot more fun!
I joined David Wetmore’s mastermind group and was quite impressed with his leadership abilities. The book that was provided gave much to think about and fodder for thoughtful and motivational discussions. I experienced strong, reflective meetings that stimulated transformational outcomes. I was at the place where my upcoming retirement was creating anxiety and through this group and David’s insightful coaching, I found a path that I look forward to explore. Thank you David for your guidance, thoughtful questions and calm environment for me to find my way.
Christine Ballengee Morris, PhD
Professor, The Ohio State University
Don't Hesitate, Get Started Today!
There's an old saying in the card game Bridge, "He who hesitates is lost!" Intuition is often ignored, don't ignore yours if any of the following are speaking directly to you. Say to yourself, or out loud, "Would I love to...
- ...identify my life goals and path to success?
- ...get proven systems for staying productive?
- ...eliminate procrastination from my life forever?
- ...become the person that finishes every project?
- ...find my “Keys to Success”?
- high-performance habits?
- ...enjoy every single minute of it?
Your facilitator and guide:
David K. Wetmore
David is a coach, entrepreneur, philosopher, and writer. He has had first hand experience with success in the business world as an engineering consultant in industry for 30+ years. That background is integrated into his coaching and teaching and enhances his extensive personal growth and development experience His passion is to make a difference in people's lives, to approach every interaction as if it is the most important one that person will ever have. And to demonstrate to people how remarkably easy it is to thrive in the natural flow of life!
Dave's personal life experiences include a hitch as a paratrooper in the US Army, B.S. in mathematics and philosophy, explosives coordinator in a coal mine, truck driver, union representative, father and husband, golfer, yogi, sportsman and many other personal and professional endeavors!
His mission is to “To improve people’s lives by introducing them to concepts and ideas that invite insights into new possibilities and potential."
Results noted from similar programs:
Tangible Outcomes
- A rise in personal income.
- Participants often note they express the thoughts of others or others express their thoughts during meetings.
- Participants experience a greater mental acuity during and after the sessions.
- Participants perceive a pleasant sensation associated with the discovery of new core concepts.
- Supernatural phenomena of a religious or spiritual nature are sometimes noted, or the sense of a universal or Cosmic Consciousness.
- Participants almost universally report a significant increase in productivity and efficiency, and a corresponding decrease in procrastination.