Joy In The Moment

“A Retreat for Those Who Want to Thrive in Times of Chaos and Uncertainty”

A 3 day small group immersion into creating personal peace through love and compassion.  A weekend to discover and embrace the limitless abundance of creativity, resilience, and power that exists within you, All the Time!  Whatever you're doing now, whatever is challenging you at an emotional level, you'll do it better after this retreat!

The events and circumstances of life come hard and heavy sometimes.  Whether it be personal issues like job dissatisfaction, relationships gone bad, toxic opinions causing rifts in families and friendships, and on and on.  If any of the following speak to you, then I would love to see you join me for a real holiday on this Memorial Day weekend, a holiday just for you. The (insert your name here)                       Day Weekend!

Some reasons you might consider this as an opportunity to create transformation in your life:
  • Are you weary of the polarization and disintegrating norms in society that are driving wedges between family, friends, and colleagues?
  • Is there a relationship that is dysfunctional or toxic that you want to find peace with?
  • Do you feel out of sync with life, out of the Flow?
  • Do you see yourself falling behind friends, family, or peers in creating the life of your dreams?
  • Are the words Need, Should, and Wish a big part of your vocabulary?
This will be a safe space to look inside and reconnect to the natural You, the child, born without limitation or judgment, infinitely creative, joyful for no reason, flowing with life effortlessly and buoyantly.  You will be able to laugh, cry, share, love, create a space of awareness inside to allow your true self to shine and lead!
A few things that you might take on in this time (together):
  • Loving yourself first so you can love others (aka The Flight Attendant Rule)
  • How to Thrive, virtually eliminate stress in your life
  • Find peace in every moment by understanding where feelings and emotions come from
  • Be a part of a movement that is For something and not against something else
  • A new definition of Perfect (aka The Look In The Mirror Rule)

Victor Kidd

President/CEO Kidd Coffee, Pastor, Wananalua Congregational Church, Hana, HI

An ancient teacher once said many are called, but few are chosen. David is without question, one of the chosen.  He is an astounding human growth and development consultant, offering his guidance to his clients for all the right reasons in all the right ways.  Dave’s bold vision to teach the principles and practices of attracting intrinsic and extrinsic wealth is evident in all that Dave does, in the community and in his business.  Being included in Dave’s dynamic Mastermind groups was a life changing experience for me and I know every seeker of authentic success would enjoy them.

Some retreats say they will change your thinking to change your results by inventing affirmations, positive thinking tricks, self hypnosis, and various and sundry self-help devices.  This retreat will simply show you how to examine your thinking in order to create the results you want.  You will learn how to experience life from a self-administered state of Joy - Simply and Effortlessly! 
“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” - Dalai Lama
Years ago I discovered that there is no world “out there”, that everything we experience is a creation of the infinite potential that flows through us all the time.  Simply stated, you have the capacity to create a world that pleases and satisfies you within your own unlimited potential. I’ve come to see that most of us are living in only a small circle of that infinite potential, unaware of what’s really possible and too insecure and/or comfortable to look deeper.
Joy in the Moment is an immersive self-exploratory weekend designed to expand the size of your circle. It will help you to increase your productivity, evolve your creative expression, and unleash your impact by taking a fresh look into what’s really possible in the world.  It will show you how your thinking is the source of all the apprehension, stress, and negative emotions that keep you from experiencing joy. Most importantly, it will teach you how you can change that thinking, and the emotions that arise from it, simply and effortlessly. 
At the beginning of our three days together, I’ll be asking you for a “wish list” of changes you’d like to make and things you’d like to create as a result of our time together.
Then we’ll put the list to one side for awhile as you learn to find, rest in, and operate from a deeper space inside yourself.   When we take a look at things from a quieter, more settled down place within us, the intelligence of the higher mind begins to emerge and guide the way.
By the end of the three days, you can expect to have a fresh take on both your list and your life.  Your own experience will be unique to you, but you will see that you and your fellow companions are but one, inextricably connected beyond your physical presence.  You will feel better than you have in ages – refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on the world. And, because of the transformative nature of this experience, the impact of these three days will continue to unfold over the weeks and months to come.
  • You will learn how to become more of who you want to be - simply and effortlessly.
  • You will learn a simple understanding  of how life ALWAYS works. and how to use
    this understanding to flow in sync with everything.
  • You will learn how to see the distinction between the content of your thoughts and your thinking itself.
  • You will learn how habits are eliminated identifying the thoughts that sustain them.
  • You will learn how to recognize the humanity in everyone.
  • You will discover your infallible inner guidance for wisdom and well being.
And, as a super bonus, you will get two personal one-one coaching sessions from me to follow on and enhance your transformation.

We will spend a beautiful Memorial Day weekend together in a perfect place, the Granville Inn in Granville Ohio.  David Wetmore is your host and you can learn more about him on his business web site Intentional Excellence LLC.  
May 23-25, 2020

Payment: $599 

Enroll Now and take advantage of the


$599  $499

(Additionally, bring a friend, loved one, partner, or even that BFF you just met for only $300 more! $499/both)


The Granville Inn has a limited number of rooms available and you should contact them directly if you’re planning to spend the weekend on site.  There are other hotels/motels/B&B’s as well as network hospitality services such as Airbnb in the area.