Liberating the unlimited potential

“Discovering And Liberating The Unlimited Potential Within Individuals And Organizations For Creating Innovative Solutions To Complex Problems"

“Discovering and liberating the unlimited potential within individuals and organizations for creating innovative solutions to complex problems"

Intentional Excellence teaches an understanding of what we call Awareness Principles in our organizational engagements. These principles present a simple understanding of human behavior that goes far beyond traditional and accepted management doctrine. There are several practitioners of these principles in a number of countries around the world, all of which derive from the teachings of Sydney Banks and what is known as The Three Principles. Here are some of the reported results after implementing similar programs at many different organizations internationally:

Significant Increases In Personal:

  • well-being
  • Resilience
  • clarity of mind
  • leadership ability
  • working smarter
  • creative thinking
  • rapport building
  • Productivity

Significant Increase In Company's:

  • Profits
  • employee retention
  • goal achievement
  • innovation and solutions

Some Reported Changes After Implementing:

✔ 90% increase in remaining calm under pressure

✔ 63% increase in feelings of respect and goodwill.

✔ Measurable decrease in absenteeism, error rates, meetings, employee burn-out and


Please contact us for a brief introduction to this teaching and experience. We are available for lunch & learn workshops, one-one sessions, or virtual presentations. Your program will be unique to you and your organization, but the results will be remarkable!

Intentional Excellence LLC
David Wetmore, Founder & CEO
 (513) 543-6596

"We're all doing the best we can given the thinking that looks real to us." ~ Sydney Banks