Solutions Now!
An Innovative Results Program Customized To Meet Your Needs
About The Program
Solutions Now! is a holistic coaching program designed to stimulate creative synergy within an organization or team committed to a unified purpose. The format includes regularly scheduled group meetings combined with personal one-one coaching of the individual participants. The intention is to foster a culture within the team that is marked by enlightened camaraderie, collaboration, creative insights, and success. Some expectations proceeding from the program:
Resolution of persistent, intractable problems. This is a natural outcome as the participants raise their individual levels of consciousness and allow insights and new, fresh ideas to take root.
Ability to work in a flow state more of the time despite multiple styles, personalities and cultures.
Increased mental well-being that manifests as ease, clarity of thinking and the ability to drop thoughts, change your mind, and explore new ideas.
Deeper rapport and personal connections with others.
More intrinsic leadership (people speak up, take responsibility, and do the right thing), especially at lower levels.
Increased resilience. Tough circumstances do not derail plans and accomplishment of goals. Setbacks are addressed with calm and perspective resulting in an unprecedented response to adverse situations.
Clarity. Tendency to get to the heart of the matter and simplify.
Significant increases in personal productivity
The program is designed to accommodate your unique situation, but in general is recommended initially to be 12 weeks during which the following activities take place:
- Bi-weekly group meetings, ~ 90 minutes per session.
- 10-15 minutes for introductions, individual updates, success stories, and challenge sharing.
- Relevant business from previous meeting and on-going items.
- Specific lesson from facilitator relevant to group dynamics.
- Hot Seat! One participant will be featured each meeting to feel the love of the group as they brainstorm their particular challenges and concerns.
- Contributions and input relevant to specific discussions and other individual challenges.
- Intentions, commitments, and calls for assistance.
- Salutations and adjourn!
- Weekly (or bi-weekly) individual coaching sessions.
- Individual sessions will be conducted with each member of the team on a weekly or biweekly basis, depending on circumstances. Coaching will be private and confidential. The intention of the private coaching is to ensure that everyone’s issues at both a personal and professional level are being addressed. Volumes of research has shown that problems at home or at work impact performance and well-being in both coincidentally.
- Our primary objective is to create an environment within the team that allows for collective solutions to specific and tangible problems. Within that context, other less tangible challenges will also be resolved.
- Las Vegas style meetings, what happens in the group stays in the group! Confidentiality is essential and negativity is not tolerated!
- This will not only be incisive and valuable, but also enjoyable! We will focus on business at hand, start to finish, with socializing and commiserating before or after the meetings.
This program is very fluid and can be adapted for your unique situation. The content is applicable across a broad spectrum of organizational demographics. No prior understanding or training is necessary to achieve remarkable results. Contact us if you would like to find out how your organization can benefit from this innovative and powerful program.