Tag Archives for " Spirituality "

The Power Within: Embracing the Three Principles of Life

By David

Introduction In our journey through life, we often grapple with the fundamental question of our existence. Are we merely separate entities navigating a vast world, or do we hold the power to shape our own experiences? The profound words of Rumi remind us that we are not insignificant drops in the ocean; rather, we are […]

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Ego – The You of You

By David

Ego – The You of YouEgo – “The “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.”  That’s Webster’s definition.  I’m not sure Webster’s definition is large enough to encompass all the individual definitions and meanings assigned […]

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Transformative Life Coaching

By David

First, what is life coaching? Very simply, a life coach assists you in achieving personal goals or overcoming obstacles to your success or joy. There are three basic levels of life coaching and they each have their own characteristics and value. At Level 1: Goals a life coach will help you attain a tangible result. […]

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Purpose – What it is and how to find yours!

By David

Purpose, we hear it all the time – “I’m living a life of purpose,” “You can’t be fulfilled until you find and live your purpose,” “The Purpose Driven Life.” On and on! But what exactly is Purpose? I believe most people don’t know what purpose actually is, let alone know what theirs is. Is it a feeling? […]

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Inspired Action – What it is and how to take it!

By David

Many people believe they must take inspired action in order to accomplish their goals and dreams, or to create something in their lives. So what is inspired action and how do we recognize it and know it’s what we need to take? First, let’s define inspired action as some enterprise I undertake with the intention […]

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Procrastination – Vice or Virtue

By David

Procrastination – Vice or Virtue Procrastination gets a bad rap! Whenever most people believe that they are procrastinating, or even hear the word procrastination, it’s like fingers on a blackboard in the mind, a snake in the grass on the path to mental well-being. It has an unsettling effect and a heavy emotional feeling. Not […]

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